1. 句中所有的单字、词组、子句所扮演的角色应十分清楚,要明白它在这句话中是扮演主词、动词、受词、形容词、还是副词。如果你用了它而无法说出它在句中的角色,那就可能会犯了文法上的错误。
2. 一个段落里的句子,起、承、转、结的连接要流畅,这取决于适当的连接词和副词的使用。
3. 时式的考虑要确实。如果是一个动作则依其发生时间来决定时式,但如果是在叙述文中的一张图或不变的物理则用现在式。有时同样一件事从某个角度来看应用过去式,从另一个角度来看又可用现在式,如此情形则两者皆可,但整篇文章必须一致,即必须维持一贯的角度。
4. 对等连接词应用于句中(逗点后),而不能作为一个句子的开端(句点后),例如 but, so, and,要放在句子的开端应以 However, Therefore, In addition 来取代。
5. (at, in, on)或 (by, with)或 (when, during , while) 的选择应以逻辑或惯用法为依据,有疑问时可查计算机英汉字典的例句为参考。
6. which ( , which) 和 that 的差异要掌握,前者只是补充说明,拿掉也不影响这句话所要表达的,后者则是限制性的描述,是一定要符合该项描述的才算,所以是不能拿掉的。
7. a, an, the, 和不加的差异。凡可数的东西一定要加 (a, an) 或 the,前者适用于描述一般的那种东西,后者则是描述专有的东西、专指的那件东西。不可数的东西则是加 the 或不加,前者是专有的、指定的,后者则是一般的叙述。一般而言,很多东西有时是可数的,有时是不可数的,端看你用的地方所要表达的是甚么,也就是说一切还是取决于逻辑。
8. 避免使用不当的字。有很多英文字的中文翻译可能类似,但英文的含意却大不相同,应使用计算机英汉字典,随时查询同义字,选取最适切者。
9. could, would的用法要注意,用在疑问句时是表示礼貌。用在 If 句时是与现在事实相反的假设语气。
10.can代表对这句话的陈述有 100%信心指数,may 代表有 50%信心指数,could与 might代表信心指数只有 30%以下。
13.对于描述物理量的名词,其可数与不可数、单数与复数的使用完全视其所使用之处而定,例如 for 12-mJ pulse energy, for a pulse energy of 12 mJ, for various pulse energies, with increasing pulse energy。
15.使用任一 acronym(首字母缩略字) 时,第一次出现时一定要写出其全名并在后面括号中写出缩略字,然后在后来的地方才能使用此缩略字。
To Jovi-Yvon, about the damaged grating
Yes, we did understand that the grating exhibits a burn mark probably due to the oil coating or laser damaged.But the reason why we send back to you is to make sure which one indeed makes the grating exhibits a burn mark. If it was a laser-damaged problem, it was no doubt that we used the grating under your specification on the quotation (0.1 to 0.2J/cm2 for fs pulse). If so, that is your grating didnt reach your specification. And next time we will buy grating from other manufacturer, which can provide the specification we need. If it was an oil coating problem, now we had set up a cold-trap closed to the compressor to avoid the oil coating problem happened again. And we hoped that you shall clean it and then we would buy another from you.
Dear Sir:
We do understand that the burn mark on the grating was probably caused by the oil coating or laser damage. However, the reason why we sent it back to you was to make sure which one of these made the burn mark.
If it was a laser damage problem, then it is obvious that the grating doesnt conform with the specifications shown on the quotation (it is no doubt that the laser energy flux we used was below your specification on the quotation, i.e., 0.1 to 0.2J/cm2 for fs pulse). In this case, we will need to find other manufacturers that can provide the gratings with the specifications we need.