i have an application where we would like to have the ability to do programming changes on a PLC via a modem (Allen Bradley SLC 5/05, if it makes a difference). However, we dont have a telephone line available. Does anyone know of a manufacturer that makes a modem that functions using wireless (that is, cell phone) communications? WWW_P※LCJS_CO※M-PLC-技-.术_网
we have apply this system. WWW_PLCJ-S_COM-PLC-技.术_网(可-编程控-制器技术-门户)
we use ip static to remote monitor ( we use leased line via- fiber optic and satelite, we think cheaper than via cellular phone. ) slc plc, for prgrammning and monitor the data, then logging data to our central server. WWW_PLCJS※COM-PLC-技.术_网(可※编程控※制器技术门户)
for remote terminal we use 1 pc server with linx gateway to acces plc from central server. W1WW_P4LCJS_COM-PLC-技.术_网
pc central we use rslogix500 , rs view and linx. P.L.C.技.术.网——可编程控制器技术门户
pc remote ( direct to plc ) use rslinx gateway. gateway addres of plc use address of remote pc. WWW_PLC※JS_COM-PLC-技.术_网(可编程控※制器技术门户)
why we use pc remote? because some times our technician visit the remote plc for check or maintain. WWW_PL※CJS_COM-PLC-技.术_网
then we use pc remote to for temporary logging data, so our central server not work heavily with raw data from plc. ——可——编——程——控-制-器-技——术——门——户
for all applicartion, land line or cellualar we think, best use static ip. because setting of linx more secure and safe if use static ip than diynamic. plcjs.技.术_网
the difficulty ( because i am not a satelite man ) when we 1st time to make route to plc remote from central server. ) best if you need advice from your line provider to connect from central in order to acces plc ip number. WWW_P※LCJS_COM-PLC-)技.术_网
the summary of our work to connect WWW_P※LCJS_COM-PLC-)技.术_网
1. make route from pc remote to plc. via comand com of windows xp WW.W_PLC※JS_C,OM-PL,C-技.术_网
2. make route from pc remote to pc server( ask to satelite man, faster than try by oursef), idem WWW_PL※CJS_COM-PLC-技.术_网
3. sett gateway of plc to ip pc remote. than WWW_PLCJS※COM-PLC-技.术_网(可※编程控※制器技术门户)
4. set all linx setting to connect each other. WWW_PLC※JS_COM-PLC-技.术_网(可编程控※制器技术门户)
5. get conected from you central to plc. WWW_P※LCJS_COM-PLC-)技.术_网
Just done this myself and so have gone through the headache. W1WW_P4LCJS_COM-PLC-技.术_网
There are two main types of connection, remote initiated and remote terminated. Remote initiated means the remote device makes contact with you, remote terminated is where you want to make contact with it. Remote initiated is the easiest from an IP address point of view, in the same way that your PC can have any address on a LAN that is connected via a router to the internet, the remote device can have any IP address. But you need remote terminated, this means that you will need to know and have access to the remote devices IP address. WWW※PLCJS_COM-PL#C-技.术_网(可编※程控※制器技术门户)