为了实现该目的,包米勒采用b maXX 4100系列伺服驱动器,它集成了DC母线。制动能量将回馈到母线所以所有的驱动器所需要做的就是补偿较小的能量耗散。
A more acute awareness of the environment and the rising cost of electricity are the main reasons for the increasing popularity of energy-efficient drive systems in industrial applications. In 2005, the EU Commission issued a framework directive (EuP) designed to ensure more efficient energy usage, thereby reducing the burden on the environment.
In fact, its primary objective is to reduce CO2 emissions as a way of countering the greenhouse effect. In addition, those industrial sectors that rely on machinery being operated around the clock seem to be becoming increasingly aware of how much energy their systems consume.
Baumüller is placing increasing value on energy-efficient drives and the consideration of their lifecycle costs. Its servo motors and converters have for many years been rated as both meeting and exceeding the criteria of the highest efficiency class, EFF1.
Direct drives are characterized by increased efficiency as there is no need for gears or belts to be interconnected for transmission purposes. As synchronous motors, they are able to combine high torques with low speeds. The significantly reduced running noise renders expensive measures for noise suppression obsolete. Their compact design enables the size of the machinery/footprint to be reduced. Service and maintenance are virtually unnecessary.
In order to help its customers make the most energy-efficient selection when purchasing drives, Baumüller offers various series for all manner of applications and motor types with precise output gradations.